Teeth Whitening Gum

Dental chewing gum and dental whitening gum may be used as aides to oral hygiene and cosmetic enhancement. These types of gum can be purchased over the counter or prescribed by a dentist. A main ingredient in medicated gum is Xylitol. This ingredient is an organic chemical naturally occurring in fruits and vegetables. Studies suggest it reduces tooth deterioration and helps prevent cavities. Chewing gum that whitens teeth is said to be beneficial and provide tooth protection as well as tooth whitening. This type of gum has been said to be effective as a supplement (but not a replacement) to tooth brushing when brushing is inconvenient. In tooth whitening gum, certain ingredients are present, such as Recaldent, a naturally occurring milk based protein (lactose free) that may, over a length of time, break up stains on tooth enamel and polish teeth. Dental tooth bleaching gum varies in cost from $1.99 to $15.00 per package. Pricing depends on the manufacturer, potency of formula and number of pieces of gum contained in package.